Monday, 23 September 2013

"A long life is not good enough; but a good life is long enough"

“A long life is not good enough, but a good life is long enough.” 
“The goodness of life cannot be measured by the length of the years, but by how we live those years.  This goodness is not about what we amass, but what we give; it is not having more, but being more, for in the end, our lives are judged not by the businesses, houses, and portfolios that we built, but by the lives we touched and made better.” 

Rabanit Jungreis

Chloe was such an inspiration in life; and she remains so in death.

Cancer is a really mean disease and especially so when it strikes at such young people.  Please take a look at Maurice Saatchi's bill.  Nobody knows when cancer will strike them or a loved ones.  xx

Everyone pick up your Croydon advertiser for Chloë!! #inchloesname #saatchibill #change

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